1. Close all external programs (including those programs in the bottom right of your screen).

  2. Double-click on the "" file you downloaded, it will open WinZip, double click on the "stealth.exe" file to start the installation process. Once installed we suggest that you re-boot your PC if Stealth MassMailer does not prompt you to do this before.

  3. Follow the steps to launch Stealth MassMailer on your PC.

  4. Go to: START -> PROGRAMS -> STEALTH and click on STEALTH to open Stealth MassMailer

  5. Have a read what Stealth MassMailer can do by clicking the "HELP?" icon and reading through the help file. It discusses multi-threading and stealth capabilities.

  6. First of all we suggest that you order your FREE "Unlock Code" for Stealth MassMailer. You can do this by clicking the "Help" menu, next to "File" and "View" at the top left of the Stealth MassMailer program.

  7. Select "Register".

  8. Another window will open which will show a long 12 to 18 digit number next to the "Username" box.

  9. All you need to do is copy the number in the "Username" box and paste it into an email that you send to 

  10. It can take up to 8 hours to obtain your unlock code.

  11. When you receive your unlock code, follow steps 7 through 9 and enter the long 12-18 digit number into the "Password" box. Then press the "Okay" button. If you have done this correctly a voice will say "Excellent". Then click "Cancel" button.

  12. To set up the software click on the LIGHTBULB "Config" icon. This opens the Mass Mailer Configuration window

  13. Click on the TAB entitled "Options". You will find a list including "Log Files", "Connection" and "Stealth Options".

  14. CHECK the "Sent Mail Addresses" option. A "Save-As" box opens. Choose a directory on your PC where you wish to save your Sent Mail Addresses, then press "Open".

  15. Do the same for "Error Events" and "Unsent Mail Addresses".

  16. In the "Connection" menu, CHECK "Single Message Mode"

  17. Under the menu "Stealth Options" only CHECK "Standard Domain". Leave all the other options un-checked.

  18. The "Miscellaneous" menu options should ALL be un-checked.

  19. Click "Okay" to return to the main Stealth window.

  20. You will now have to set up the "Mail Servers", "Relay Servers", "Recipients", "From", "Subject", etc.

  21. Click on the "Mail Servers" tab.

  22. Add your Throw-Away ISP's SMTP/Relay/Mail Server  in the box next to the "Add" button. 
    Once you have entered the mail servers in this box click the "ADD" button.

  23. Your ISP's mail server should be set up like: "" or "" or "". If you are unsure about what format your ISP's SMTP/Relay/Mail server is, contact your ISP directly. Basically, if you use only the open mail servers, Stealth should work like a charm. 

  24. You can repeat the same mail server a few times as this will speed up the number of messages sent out at one time.

  25. We suggest that you do not use more than 20 mail servers at a time maximum (even if you have a high bandwidth Cable or DSL Internet connection).

  26. Now click the "Relay Servers" tab or "Next Tab >>" button.

  27. You DO NOT need to enter any information here. Therefore click the "Recipients" TAB or "Next Tab >>" BUTTON.

  28. Here you need to enter the email addresses you wish to receive your emailing.

  29. You can either enter the email addresses manually, by adding each individual email address in the Box next to the "ADD" button. To add each address to the list, click on the "ADD" button.

  30. The faster way is to import your email list directly into Stealth. 
    You can do this by clicking the "ADD" button (when the input box next to the "ADD" button is blank). This will open the file manager.

  31. Find your TEXT email address lists on your PC's hard-drive, then click on "Open".

  32. You should now see your email address list in the large white box, you will be able to scroll through the list with the guide on the right hand edge of that large white box. If you import a large email address list, your PC will seem to "hang" for a few seconds. Do not worry about this.

  33. Now click on the "From" tab or "Next Tab >>" button.

  34. Enter your Bulk Friendly ISP's POP3 or  a "Throw Away"  email address . 
    This will be the email address which will receive the replies, undeliverables and flames. Make sure you press the "Add" button after entering your reply/from e-mail address.

  35. Next click on the "Subject" tab or "Next Tab >>" button.

  36. Enter your bulk email messages Subject. Take into consideration our Code of Ethics to format your Subject correctly. Once you have entered your Subject, please click the "Add" button.

  37. Click the "Delivery" tab or "Next Tab >>" button. The large white box should state "Delay sending by 0 minutes", if not press 0 in the box next to the "Add" button, then click the "Add" button.

  38. Now enter your Bulk Email Message in the large white box under the words "Mass Mail Message". You can enter your message manually or import a message you have already worked on in text ".txt" format.

  39. Stealth will automatically add "Dear 'whomever'" on the FIRST line of your sent messages. 
    This is good if you have an email address list of names and email addresses.

  40. You are nearly ready to Mass Mail.

  41. Before you start sending emails. Please save your Stealth session by clicking on the "Disk" icon with the words "Save" underneath. Save your session in an appropriate folder on your PC. This will allow you to come back to this session if you need to.

  42. You are NOW ready to start your Mass Mail session.

  43. Log onto the Internet.

  44. Click on the "Send" icon which should now be clickable..

  45. Your mass mailing should start automatically.

  46. Initially Stealth MassMailer will find your Mail Servers and once they have been verified, your message should start to be sent. Once completed, click "Okay" and return to Stealth MassMailer.

  47. That's it.



  1. I Get A MICROSOFT Error During Mailing, What Do I Do?

    • This program can be a little screwy at times and will from time to time, bring up Microsoft or Run-Time Errors. If this happens to you DO NOT CLICK "OK"! Just keep the program running and ignore the errors. The program will keep mailing out your messages. Additionally its best that Stealth MassMailer works on its own ... no browsers ... no other mail programs or other software should be opened.

  2. I Send Mail With Stealth MassMailer But Get No Response, No Replies, Undeliverables or Flames?

    • This is a problem when you try to relay through another ISP from your dial-up ISP. We suggest you do not relay through 3rd party unauthorized servers. However, if you must do this test the mail servers you wish to relay through with GateScan3.

    • Additionally some ISP's do check for valid reply/from addresses (whether they are domains or usernames). Therefore check that you are using valid reply/from addresses.

    • If this is not the cause of your problem, check your Stealth MassMailer settings by following the step-by-step instructions above. Check your ISP's Mail Server format (i.e. you can do this by visiting your ISP's web site and looking at their Support or FAQ pages.

    • If this does not work, try a different ISP using the settings above (but changing your Mail Servers to the other ISP).

    • If this does not work, then reinstall Stealth MassMailer over the top of your existing software, you may need a new unlock code if this happens.

    • If this does not work, check your other mail software on your system to see if it is playing up.

    • If any of these answers do not work then your ISP has blocked the unique "headers" that Stealth MassMailer adds to every message. Therefore change ISP's. We know that Compuserve, ATT and Sprint don't like Stealth MassMailer. It could also be a fact that your recipient's ISP has blocked mail from your ISP, Stealth MassMailer itself or from the "from/reply to" address you are using.

    • Other than the above, it is possibly a factor of Port25 blocking at your ISP. We recommend changing your ISP which enables Port25.

  3. Will Stealth MassMailer Run On An iMac?

    • All our software is compatible with Win9X PC's. If you have an iMac we suggest you invest in a Windows 95/98 Emulator which will then allow you to run Stealth MassMailer and other software on our site.

  4. I received a Stealth MassMailer Unlock Code Generator when I signed up for 6 months membership, What Do I Do?

    • The unlock code generator you received is for unlocking Stealth MassMailer which means you need to download Stealth MassMailer by clicking on the link entitled "Download Stealth MassMailer HERE!" above. Once downloaded complete steps 2 through 9 on the "Simple Stealth MassMailer Set-Up" instructions above. Instead of submitting your Stealth "Username" using the "Free Unlock Code Form" below, open the Stealth MassMailer Unlock Code Generator we sent you and enter the 12-18 digit Stealth MassMailer "Username" into the "Username" box on the "PasswordGenerator". Click the "Generate" button. Another 12-18 digit number will be generated. Follow step 9 to enter the new "Password" generated into your copy of Stealth MassMailer.

    • Remember, you can resell copies of Stealth MassMailer and even the Unlock Code Generator itself.

  5. Will Stealth MassMailer Keep Me From Getting My ISP Account Shut Down?

    • Unfortunately ALL Bulk Email software based on your PC's Hard-Drive will show your dial-up ISP's headers within your messages (which can be traced back to you). To truly be untraceable you need to use a Bulk Friendly mail relay which strips all headers from mail sent through it's servers and adds new headers fooling the recipient into thinking that the mail originated from the Bulk Friendly mail relay. Unfortunately reliable Bulk Friendly ISP's are impossible to find, therefore we suggest you use multiple "throw-away" dial-up ISP's to send bulk email, keeping your main ISP for your regular business email.

  6. Stealth MassMailer Sends Messages Awfully Slow, Why Is That?

    • It is best for each message to be sent individually, thus under Stealth MassMailer "Config" you CHECK "Single Message Mode" from the "Connection" menu. If you want to speed this up, you can un-check "Single Message Mode" and send 20, 50 or 100 recipients in the "Number of Recipients Per Message" box. NEVER send to more than 100 recipients per message. By not sending messages in "Single Message Mode" you slow down the delivery of messages. This is caused if a recipient out of the 20, 50 or 100 recipients per message has an invalid account or invalid domain. Sometimes it can take 2 to 3 days for a multiple recipient message to be delivered to the final recipient. It is also easier for larger ISP's to block your emails if you send out multiple recipient messages. If you insist on sending our multiple recipient messages then randomise your email address lists before sending your message.

  7. My ISP's Mail Server Seems To Get Stuck When Stealth Tries To Send. What Can I Do?

    • Sometimes sending through multiple mail servers can jam the software and your ISP gets stuck in "Negotiations". An effective solution is to resend your mailing with only one mail server (your Dial-Up ISP mail server) in operation and keep adding mail servers until it starts to jam again, then you get to know the maximum number of mail server ports you can send through. If Stealth MassMailer gets stuck in "Negotiations" with one mail server, we suggest you click "Cancel" and start again. If you get the same problem, check your Stealth MassMailer settings and re-run through the "Simple Stealth MassMailer Set-Up" instructions. If you still get the same problem, try another ISP. If you get the same problem again test another mail program on your system, if this other program works then we suggest re-installing Stealth MassMailer.

  8. How Come My Results Are So Bad? Stealth Shows The Messages Are Being Sent But In The Text Files, Only a Minimal Amount Being Sent and A Lot in The Unsent Text File!

    • Your mail server may not be sending the mail out. We suggest that you test mail servers and relays with a test database sending your mail to yourself. If you receive the test messages, it means everything should be working. If not check that your server is not a "firewall" if it is then no mail will get out. Additionally, your batch size could be too large, we suggest a maximum of 100 recipients per message but suggest a batch of under 20 email addresses per message. Many ISP's block receipt of more than 20 messages at a time.

  9. I Can't Get Stealth MassMailer To Accept The Unlock Code, What's Wrong?

    • Sometimes if you have installed a previous or another suppliers Stealth MassMailer on your machine, even if you uninstall it, it leaves residual data on your PC so you can only obtain an unlock code from the original supplier. There is a way around this. Install Stealth MassMailer on a Floppy Disk. Run it from there then change the password to anything you want and you should be good to go.

  10. I Can't Get The "Send" Icon To Appear, I Have Registered For The Full Version?

    • You need to enter all the information in the required fields. We suggest you follow the "Simple Stealth MassMailer Set-Up" instructions above which covers the basics of setting up and getting Stealth MassMailer to run properly.

  11. Is There Any Way To Get Stealth MassMailer To Send HTML?

    • Unfortunately our version of Stealth MassMailer does not support HTML messages. However, you can try Express Mail Server which does support HTML.

  12. I've done everything above & it still won't work, what can I do?

    • Depending on your ISP it could be a factor of Port25 blocking, contact your ISP for information. If they do then you will have to find another ISP which enables Port25 to allow you to send email using this software.